
Brewer Fellowship

The Brewer Fellowship to Unite America is a professional development opportunity for leaders of nonpartisan organizations working to put voters first.






The Brewer Fellowship to Unite America is a professional development opportunity for leaders of nonpartisan organizations working to put voters first. Through a cohort that will convene several times over the course of 18 months, organization leaders will develop and deepen relationships with others in the field, while being exposed to special workshops and professional coaching designed to strengthen their capacity as leaders of both their organizations and the broader movement.  

The Brewer Fellowship is dedicated to the legacy of Jacob “Jake” Brewer (1981-2015), a political organizer and social activist who served as senior policy adviser to the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy in the Obama Administration.  Throughout his life, Jake continuously dismantled political, cultural and religious barriers in order to create unlikely coalitions to tackle intractable social problems.

This program and investment by the Unite America Fund advances our priority of strengthening collaboration across our movement and investing in shared infrastructure designed to benefit many organizations.

The Need

Numerous organizations, new and established, large and small, are working to establish a more representative and functional government. These organizations are led by incredible practitioners with diverse backgrounds, skill sets, and experiences. The success of these organizations is a direct function of the capabilities of organization leaders and the staffs they lead.

However, given the limited bandwidth and resources these organizations operate with, personal and professional development is too frequently deprioritized, and often, not invested in at all. This cross partisan fellowship is designed to help organization leaders grow so they can sustain and scale their organizations. It will also allow fellows to strengthen personal relationships with key allies in their field built on mutual trust and understanding.


  • Support Fellows’ personal leadership journey and professional development;
  • Provide Fellows the opportunity to develop deeper relationships with other leaders in the field and build a robust cross-partisan network, including developing a shared vision, identifying mutually reinforcing activities, and documenting collective goals;
  • Help Fellows strengthen the capacity of their organizations to be effective and sustainable in the voters first movement;
  • Strengthen our democracy by building a pipeline of leaders who skillfully collaborate and solve complex problems together, regardless of ideological differences.


The Brewer Fellowship to Unite America is a collaborative project of Cultivate the Karass and The Institute for Citizens & Scholars. 

  • Cultivate the Karass was created to foster healthy, bipartisan relationships, elevate public discourse, and reduce hyper-partisanship. Cultivate the Karass is especially focused on developing leaders who will influence our political agenda and drive the state of our democracy over the next 20+ years.

  • The Institute for Citizens & Scholars develops individuals, institutions, and networks to address the nation’s critical challenges through high-impact fellowships, thought leadership, field-development, and innovative programming, partnering with leading organizations whose mission is also to improve American society. 


Daniella Ballou-Aares | Leadership Now Project

Lee Drutman | New America

Mindy Finn | Citizen Data

Katie Harbath | Anchor Change

Francis Johnson | Take Back our Republic

Sarah Longwell | Defending our Democracy Together

Maya McGuineas | Fix the Debt

Amber McReynolds | National Vote at Home Institute

Aaron Menenberg | Institute for Political Innovation

Debilyn Molineaux | Bridge Alliance

Steve Olikara | Millennial Action Project

Nick Penniman | Issue One

Rob Richie | FairVote

Cynthia Richie Terrell | RepresentWomen

Josh Silver | RepresentUs

Nick Troiano | Unite America

Sarah Walker | Secure Democracy

Layla Zaidene | Millennial Action Project


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Brewer Fellowship

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