Virginia has historic opportunity to amend a broken system

Terrance Carroll
Senior Fellow
Unite America

Virginia voters will soon be deciding on a landmark amendment that has the possibility of ending partisan gerrymandering in the Commonwealth.

Amendment 1 will establish a redistricting commission that ensures that people, not parties, come first. Unite Colorado Executive Director Terrance Carroll -- himself a native of DC and former speaker of the Colorado House of Representatives -- wrote an op-ed for the Fredericksburg Free Lance-Star about why independent redistricting commissions can put voters first.

"Gerrymandering runs counter to this principle because the pursuit of power is prioritized over the servant-leadership we should demand and expect from our elected leaders.
It’s a dangerous norm that voters around the country have come to accept, but it doesn’t have to stay this way. Virginians have the opportunity to create a better commonwealth this November by voting “Yes” on Amendment 1."
Read the full piece here

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