Get money for your campaign | Three Things Thursday

One of the most frequently asked questions we get asked is simply: how do I get involved?
Certainly, there are campaigns you can donate to, books you can read, and Facebook posts you can share.
But the biggest way you can get involved is by taking the lead; democracy is not a spectator sport. If there’s a reform campaign you want to see in your state, get one started. Organize with supporters like yourself, strategize with community leaders, and begin—Unite America is here to help.
Here are three things to think about this week.
The Campaign Accelerator Awards are BACK. Along with our friends at RepresentUs, we’re launching the second Accelerator Awards to help YOUR campaigns and YOUR ideas get off the ground. We’re offering in-kind strategic support and average grants of $25,000 to support nonpartisan electoral reform campaigns across the country.
Have a plan to see ranked choice voting, open primaries, vote by mail, or anti-gerrymandering reform passed in your state? This is your opportunity to kickstart your campaign. We want to help you get the resources and support you need to make your campaign a success.
In 2019, we handed out the inaugural Campaign Accelerator Award grants to nascent reform groups across the country. From Pennsylvania to New Mexico, Illinois to Tennessee, these groups represented communities across the country working on a variety of reforms.
One great example? FairVote Minnesota, who were among the initial grantees of the Accelerator Awards, working to pass ranked choice voting in cities across Minnesota. And in 2020, they did it. Bloomington and Minnetonka were among a handful of municipalities this year to approve the use of ranked choice voting.
Read more about our 2019 grantees and process here.
Perhaps you don’t have a campaign you’re working on, but someone in your network does. Maybe one of your family members is building a campaign in his or her community.
Share this opportunity with them. We’re accepting applications until March 22nd, so we need to get the word out NOW. Share our Facebook post or our tweet to let your community know that we’re here to support!