We've got things for you to read | Three Things Thursday

Spring has sprung, and this week I’ve got nothing for you but reading recommendations. Lounge on your couch, in your yard, or in the scrap of sunlight you can find in your studio apartment and take your time reading.
Here are three things to read this week.
Our first thing this week traces everything from the debate stages back in January to the mess in Iowa to figuring out how to vote during a global pandemic today to reflect on how our election system will inevitably change after 2020. Our own Nick Troiano provides commentary for the piece, arguing that a new era is upon us.
“We may be entering a new era in which we look back a few years from now and see a transformation in the way we do democracy in our country,” he says.
In other words, this election cycle has demonstrated for the America public how broken and unrepresentative our elections can be. We’re going to have to adopt reforms like ranked choice voting, vote at home, and primary reform if we really want out voices to be heard.
Ever wish you had people to discuss political reform with? I hear from people all the time looking for ways to get involved and get connected with other people who are engaged on reform. Well this is your chance: Unite America is proud to partner with our friends at Issue One and American Promise to present a new book club!
The Citizen Leaders book club will meet quarterly to discuss books by some of the leading thinkers in the reform space. This month’s book? Contract to Unite America: 10 Reforms to Reclaim our Republic by our very own Neal Simon.
The best part is that Neal will be joining book club members on a Zoom meeting call this May 11th to discuss his book and answer questions from readers. It’s a great opportunity to connect with individuals across America who want to take on our political system and change it for the better.
I know for a fact that many of you have listened to this Freakonomics podcast featuring our board member, Katherine Gehl. The podcast and the report the podcast is based on provide a revolutionary look into how our political system became so messed up by bringing a business lens to the world of politics.
Excitingly, Katherine and Michael Porter have a new book that will be published this summer that takes a deeper look into some of the reforms proposed in the initial report. It focuses on the two elements that could reform our political system to understand how we can create new incentives for better outcomes.
Pre-order the book now! Not only is it a fascinating read, but it will give you something to look forward to as we finish out our stay at home orders and quarantine efforts. Stay safe, stay home, and get educated!