Smallest Victories | Three Things Thursday

Unite America

Sometimes there are big victories: a court battle won, an initiative passed, a law changed. 

Those happen, on occasion.

More often, there are smaller victories: a meeting agreed to, language approved, signatures gathered.

Most often are the smallest victories: more voters educated. It’s less tangible than the others, but just as sweet. The smallest victories are eventually what powers the biggest ones.

This week was a week of smallest victories. 

Here are some sweet things. 

  1. The Final Four might not have happened, but here’s the Final Five

Everyone knows: if you can’t have a basketball tournament, election reform is the next best thing. Luckily, a bipartisan group of leaders in Wisconsin are looking to bring you exactly that with Final Five Voting, a combination of election reforms designed to create a more representative election.

With Final Five Voting, citizens vote in a nonpartisan primary election, and the top five finishers go into the general election. In the general election, voters rank their candidates using ranked choice voting. The result: a more functional and cooperative Congress. 

“This new approach will change the nature of our elections, and in turn, create a new era of collaboration and results in Congress,” argues authors state senator Dale Kooyeng (R) and assemblyman Daniel Riemer (D). “Final-Five Voting does not require politicians or voters to abandon their ideological views — or their parties (we’ll proudly remain members of ours) — but it does encourage reaching across the aisle to solve big problems in a sustainable, consensus-building, bipartisan fashion.

  1. 110 leaders want DC to shape up

If the pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that our system isn’t necessarily operating on all cylinders. While some may blame a particular political party, 110 bipartisan leaders, past and present, want you to blame something much larger: the system itself. 

The truth is, Congress is outdated. The systems, procedures, and protocols represent a bygone era. To govern a 21st century America, America needs a 21st century congress. Without it, the country will squander opportunity while allowing challenges to mount. Congress has become too cumbersome, and as a result, is being cast aside as quick action is rewarded. A quote to think about:

“If this pandemic has taught us anything about our political system, it’s that a robust and resilient Congress — one that operates as the first branch of government — is essential to the safety and security of our republic and all its citizens." 

  1. We find More in Common during coronavirus

Deputy Director for Reform & Partnerships Tyler Fisher fired up the ol’ blog this week to synthesize a new study by More in Common that analyzes voter sentiment during coronavirus. The findings: Americans are feeling more unified than they were two years ago. 

“While fear of the pandemic is widespread, there remains a perception of increasing unity across the electorate,” Tyler writes. “Amongst a number of key indicators, compared to two years ago, many more Americans feel unified, that they can count on one another, and that we’re all in this together.”

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