We need to talk about this | Three Things Thursday

First things first — have you filled out the census? DO IT. Today is the last day to be counted; the last day to ensure that you, your family, your neighbors, and your community have the representation you deserve.
Fill out the census, then make sure your friends have filled it out too. We only get one shot to do this every 10 years.
Don’t miss out.
Now, here are three things to think about this week.
I don’t mean to state the obvious, but things are… divisive right now. Talking about politics with anyone these days is a fraught undertaking in which potential landmines exist at every oratorical turn. But this election is important, its implications enormous, and the dangers for our nation are great. We have to talk about this election. We have to talk about it.
Luckily, our friends at More in Common have given us just the tools to do that. Their new website Democracy for President takes the key findings from their new report and provides easy to use discussion guides, explanations, and resources to help you connect and communicate with those around you, so that you can explain key facts about the critical issues related to our upcoming election. When election day comes you'll be able to cut through the partisan rhetoric and media spin to understand exactly what is going on. You become the spokesman for a civil and secure election.
Footage emerged last week of Kansas Senate President Susan Wagle speaking very frankly about gerrymandering and the redistricting process. At a fundraiser with political donors, Wagle made her case for why they should give her and her party money: if they win, they can draw the maps. If they can draw the maps, they can say how many seats each side has. The Kansas Senate President is explaining how to gerrymander.
It’s atrocious, and it’s tragic that any politician could speak so blatantly about a practice as undemocratic as gerrymandering and not be immediately booed off the stage. Americans have come to accept gerrymandering as an appropriate and expected aspect of our democracy, when it absolutely should not be. It should be as arcane as intimidating voters, as reviled as ballot stuffing, as absurd and offensive to us as a poll tax. It should outrage everyone.
It’s why we support independent redistricting commissions that can put power back in the hands of people, and out of grasp from politicians. Learn more about independent redistricting and our efforts in Virginia.
Come work for us. We’re hiring for a Managing Director and TWO different positions on our development team, and you might just be the perfect fit. Apply and let’s find out!
If you’re passionate about reforming our political system and want to do something about it, come join us. If these roles don’t catch your eye,, check out DemocracyJobs.org, where jobs from across the reform movement are posted by organizations of all shapes and sizes. Check it out, and come join the movement to put voters first.
Please, fill out the census. Please, register to vote.