
Ranked Choice Voting

More voice, choice, and power in our elections. Ranked choice voting is an improved way to vote — one that ensures that the winner of an election actually has a majority of support.

Illustration of a voting ballotRed scribble filled in circle
Hand holding a red pen

The Problem

The majority doesn't always win.

Too often, political candidates are elected without actually winning a majority of votes — or even support — in multi-candidate races where the winner simply has to win more votes than the others. Combined with zero-sum, negative campaigns, and low-turnout runoff elections, the result is a system that leads to unrepresentative outcomes.

Ranked choice voting can change that.

What it does

Guarantees Majority Winner

so that the candidate that wins the election is the one the majority of people actually wanted.

Increases Competition

by eliminating the "spoiler effect" argument for
non-establishment, third party, and independent candidates.

Saves Taxpayer Money

by creating an automatic run-off election when the leading candidate earns less than 50% of the vote.

Encourages Civility

because candidates appeal to their opponent's supporters for second place votes.


Ranked Choice Voting eliminates the "spoiler effect."

In three-or-more way races, voters often face a choice: vote for who they want and risk electing the candidate they like the least, or vote for the candidate they think is more likely to win. This is the “spoiler effect” and it artificially suppresses the support of third party candidates. 

Ranked choice voting solves for that concern by allowing voters to vote their conscience. If their candidate fails to make it past the first round, their second place vote is counted instead.

Watch this video from RepresentUs to better understand the problem.

Why it matters

Ranked choice voting helps to create better representation and a more positive election environment.

Ranked choice voting makes election outcomes more representative by ensuring the winner of the election actually has a majority of support.

Maine uses ranked choice voting for statewide elections

Alaska uses ranked choice voting for statewide and federal elections

5 states use ranked choice voting for overseas and military voters

51 municipalities use or have approved ranked choice voting


Places you can invest now to support Ranked Choice Voting


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We are proud to work with our partner organizations to enact ranked choice voting.

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