
Vote at Home

Making voting secure and accessible. Vote by mail systems make it easier for citizens to cast an informed and secure ballot in elections.

The Problem

Election turnout remains low.

Despite registration drives and get out the vote efforts, waiting in hours-long polling line remains too difficult for millions of Americans who have work, kids, and other responsibilities that prevent them from voting on Election Day.

In combination with outdated voting machines that are vulnerable to hacking and fraud, our election system is stuck in the past. 

What it does

Increases turnout

by making it easier for people to participate in elections. In 2018, the three states with vote by mail systems (Colorado, Oregon, and Washington) had significantly higher voter participation rates than the national average (63%, 61.5%, and 58.9% respectively, versus the national average of 50.3%). 

Makes elections more secure

by creating an easily traceable paper trail to track ballots. With secure voter verification methods, states with vote by mail election systems are among the most secure places to vote in the nation.

Reduces costs and saves taxpayer money

by enabling elections to be conducted with fewer provisional ballots, poll locations, and poll workers. Counties in Colorado saw costs decline by an average of 40% following implementation.

Makes voting accessible for more Americans

even those who may not otherwise be able to participate. Accessing traditional polling places isn’t always possible, because of work, disability, or simply the hectic nature of life.

How it Works

Why it Matters

Vote by mail empowers voters to make their choices on their own time, while ensuring the security and integrity of our elections.

Making voting secure and simple expands the electorate and ensures that all Americans have the opportunity to have their voices heard on election day.

8 states use full vote by mail election systems

5 states have no excuse, permanent mail ballot options

24 states have no excuse required mail ballot options


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