Board Member

Hon. Jason Altmire

Fmr. Congressman, Pennsylvania

A business leader and nationally recognized health care policy expert, former Congressman Jason Altmire has worked as a senior executive for large companies in both the hospital and health insurance industries. Now a leading public affairs consultant, Altmire assists clients with a variety of business management, strategic planning, market access, and corporate social responsibility issues. From 2007 to 2013, he served three terms in the United States House of Representatives.

A highly sought-after public speaker and commentator, Altmire in 2017 authored the critically acclaimed book, Dead Center: How Political Polarization Divided America and What We Can Do About It. He is a frequent guest on national  television news programs and a regular opinion contributor to a variety of  national media outlets.

In Congress, he was a bipartisan centrist known for working with both sides of the aisle, which led to an extraordinary record of legislative success. He served as a subcommittee chairman, had 29 of his legislative initiatives signed into law, and introduced a bipartisan bill that gained the most cosponsors of any congressional bill in American history. During his time in office, the nonpartisan National Journal calculated Altmire's voting record to be at the exact midpoint of the House -- the Dead Center -- giving him the most centrist voting record in Congress.          

Altmire has been a lecturer for Carnegie Mellon University’s Public Policy and Management program, and an adjunct professor at George Washington University focusing on politics and policy. He earned a Master's degree in Health Administration from George Washington University, and a Bachelor of Science degree from Florida State University.

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