
OneVirginia2021 & Fair Maps VA

A ballot measure on the 2020 ballot will allow Virginians to decide whether to establish a citizen-led bipartisan redistricting commission to draw new maps for the commonwealth.




Independent Redistricting


A ballot measure will appear on the November 2020 ballot in Virginia with the goal of ending partisan gerrymandering with a citizen-led bipartisan redistricting commission. The proposed policy would:

  • Create a sixteen member commission composed of four state Senators (two per party), four state representatives (two per party), and eight citizens, one of whom will serve as chair.

  • Enlist a panel of retired judges to select the eight citizens, chosen from lists submitted by each leader of the two major parties in the General Assembly.

  • Empower the commission to draw three sets of maps every ten years (U.S. House, Virginia Senate, and Virginia House of Delegates). To be advanced, each set of maps will need approval from six out of eight legislators and six out of eight citizens.

  • Give the legislature an opportunity to vote up or down on each of the proposed maps, without the ability to modify them.

  • Guarantee a transparent process by requiring all commission hearings take place in public, mandating all minutes and data be disclosed, and opening deliberations up to public comments.


In Virginia, constitutional amendments must be approved by the General Assembly in consecutive sessions with an intervening legislative election before being placed on the ballot to be approved by voters. In 2019, the redistricting amendment passed both chambers with near unanimous support. In 2020, the amendment again passed the Senate with near unanimous approval, and passed in the House of Delegates 54-46. 

Now, Virginia voters will have an opportunity to approve the measure on the November 2020 ballot.


The effort for a citizen-led bipartisan redistricting commission is led by OneVirginia2021. A commonwealth-based nonprofit, the organization has advocated for ending gerrymandering for nearly a decade. OneVirginia2021 is led by a Foundation Board and Executive Director Liz White and is guided by an advisory board and leadership council made up of former elected officials, business leaders, and civic entrepreneurs.

Fair Maps VA, is a referendum committee formed as of July 1, 2020 to support the passage of Amendment Question 1, the Virginia Redistricting Commission Amendment. Fair Maps VA led by a Board of Directors and co-chaired by Democrat Bobby Vassar and Republican Wyatt Durrette. Brian Cannon is the executive director.


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OneVirginia2021 & Fair Maps VA

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